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With offices around the globe, we're there when you need us. We look forward to hearing from you.
New York
Proprium Capital Partners, L.P.
One Landmark Square
20th Floor
Stamford, CT 06901
+1 203 883 0355
Proprium Capital Management (UK), LLP
65 Grosvenor Street
6th Floor
London, W1K 3JH
+44 203 008 8952
Proprium Capital Partners
WTC Amsterdam, Tower 8, 12th Floor
Strawinskylaan 1127
1077XX Amsterdam
+31(0) 202 384 394
Hong Kong
Proprium Capital Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd.
10th Floor, Southland Building
48 Connaught Road Central
Hong Kong
+852 3468 6986
Proprium Capital Partners (Australia) Pty Ltd
Level 13 Aurora Place
88 Phillip St
Sydney NSW 2000
+61 (02) 8880 0846
Proprium Capital Partners, L.P.
One Glenlake Parkway
Suite 1060
Atlanta, GA 30328
+1 404 334 3312